
12 de Maig se celebrarà la 8ª edició de la nostra Jornada de Portes Obertes – (Re)search4Talent


L’objectiu d’aquesta jornada és la captació de talent en un moment en què els estudiants encara no acostumen a tenir clar com volen enfocar el seu futur.

Dear Students,

 We invite you on 12th May (Thursday) to the eighth edition of IBEC’s Open Day “RE-Search 4 Talent” where you will get to know more about IBEC and learn first-hand about a researcher’s career, mobility, daily work, etc.

 As the covid-19 situation has improved, the session will have the format of the prepandemic edition, and it will be Onsite, located in Dolors Aleu room at Cluster II, (C. Baldiri Reixac, 4-8, Barcelona) in Parc Científic of Barcelona (PCB). 


In 2021 IBEC signed more than 165 internship agreements for Undergraduate and Master Students with a wide range of national and international universities. 

If you are interested in IBEC’s 8th edition of reSEARCH4TALENT, please register here before Friday May 6th.



10:15 Welcome:  (Dolors Aleu Room)


10:35 Deputy talent and training director talk. Elena Martinez, “What is IBEC?”


10:50 HR Speech + PhD Committee presentation


11:15 Careers Fair: a chance for participants to mingle and chat with our researchers


13:00-14h Lab visits



To know in advance in which of our research lines you are interested in the Careers Fair, you can find the full research groups here.




Thank you very much in advance and best regards,


Human Resources Unit

Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
C. Baldiri Reixac 10-12 · 08028 Barcelona